Wednesday, June 26


;We are proud owners of a FungoMan and what it provides to
our clients!  As you can see, it has helped some teams make it to the college World Series too!

Our customers make FungoMan great! We thank you for your continued reports about how your FungoMan Automated Practice Machine is impacting your players and the success of your program.

We extend a special congratulations to the following FungoMan customers for advancing to the 2013 College World Series, held in Omaha, Nebraska:
Hard work, talent, dedication, and belief in one another all describe some of the attributes of these teams. We are proud to be a tool that these programs use to assist their players in reaching their goals!

Our best goes out to each team, as they compete on the biggest College Baseball Stage for the biggest College Baseball honor...National Champions!

In order to stay connected throughout the season, go to to get the answers you need! 

Romy Cucjen
FungoMan LLC

Monday, June 24

Changes coming in August...

Change in AOSA operations will
take effect August 1st!
New membership
New hours
and more!
Stay tune for more information in July!

Thursday, June 6

Patriots in NC

Our young Patriots team went to NC last weekend for a tournament and we have pictures posted on the Hammond Post website.  Just click on the site on the right and check out the page at the top!

Monday, June 3

New Link

On the right of our blog,
check out our link to Hammond Post 3! 
This will be another avenue to keep up with the scheduling of both Hammond Post 3 baseball teams and any information Coach Jordan wants to make aware to all parents/players!