Tuesday, April 28

It was a pleasure and a joy to train young people
in baseball and softball in the Tri-Cities area
these past 8 years. 
May God bless your efforts in these sports
in years to come.
April 30, 2015 

Wednesday, March 18


We hope you will come use
the facility during April as it will be
our last month of operation.
After 8 years of instructing young boys & girls
in baseball and softball, we regretfully
will close our doors for good
May 1st, 2015!


Last D-Bat order date

Last chance to get your D-bat at
an awesome price!

Our LAST order goes in

Don't be left out!

Friday, February 20

Opening Hours - Wednesday, Feb 25

We will open facility today
from 3:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for those folks
wanting to get a workout!
Please dress in layers so you can be warm throughout
your workout as the facility WILL BE COLD!  Training area does warm up nicely for workout - waiting room does NOT!

Thursday, January 29

Membership Fees

Membership Fees Are Due NOW
$50 for the entire month - see you soon!